
Ali Shaaban, MD
Ali Shaaban, MD
Researcher, Translational Center for Resuscitative Trauma Care
Anne Eaton, PhD
Anne Eaton, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Benoit X. Blondeau, MD
Benoit X. Blondeau, MD
Surgery Department Chair, Division Head, Surgical Services, Regions Hospital
Brian Driver, MD
Brian Driver, MD
Emergency Physician Director of Clinical Research Dept. Emergency Medicine, HCMC
Bruce Alexander
Bruce Alexander, PhD
Professor and Division Head, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health
Christopher Tignanelli, MD
Christopher Tignanelli, MD
Associate Dean for Data Science; Director, CQODE; Chair, Health Information Technology Committee, American College of Surgeons
David Darrow, MD, MPH
David Darrow, MD, MPH
Department of Neurosurgery University of Minnesota; Rockswold-Kaplan Endowed Chair for Traumatic Brain Injury Hennepin County Medical Center
Derek Lumbard, MD
Critical Care Surgery Specialist, Hennepin County Medical Center
Elizabeth Lusczek, PhD
Elizabeth Lusczek, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery; Metabolomics
Emily Wagstrom, MD
Emily Wagstrom, MD
Ortho trauma surgeon; Interested in compartment syndrome
Eric Wise, MD
Eric Wise, MD
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Frederick Rogers, MD, MS, MA
Adjunct Professor of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
James Hougas III, MD, FAAFP
James Hougas III, MD, FAAFP
Assistant Professor, St. John's Family Medicine Residency, University of Minnesota Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Jeff Chipman, MD
Jeffrey Chipman, MD
Division of Critical Care/Acute Care Surgery head; Vice Chair for Education, Department of Surgery; Northern Plains Rural Surgery Society
Jeffrey Pepin, MD, FACEP
Jeffrey Pepin, MD, FACEP
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Joe Jude, MD
CPT, MC Fort Campbell, KY
John Bischof, PhD
John Bischof, PhD
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Mechanical Engineering Medtronic-Bakken Endowed Chair for Engineering in Medicine
John Carney, MBA
John Carney, MBA
Research Support Manager in ESS
Jonathan Gipson, MD
Jonathan Gipson, MD
Surgeon, Trauma, Acute Care, General and Bariatric Surgery North Memorial Hospital
 Kristiana Sather, MD
Kristiana Sather, MD
General Surgery Resident, UMN
Kristin Colling, MD
Kristin Colling, MD
Trauma research director and a trauma/critical care/acute care surgeon at St. Mary’s in Duluth
Lester Drewes, PhD
Lester Drewes, PhD
Professor, Dept Biological Sciences, UMD
Linda Vogel, APRN, CNS
Trauma Program Manager, Essentia Health-St Mary's Medical Center
UMN Placeholder
Marc Jenkins, PhD
Regents and Distinguished McKnight Professor, Director, Center for Immunology, UMN
Marc Swiontkowski, MD
Marc Swiontkowski, MD
Professor, Orthopedic Surgery
Marizen Ramirez, MPH, PhD
Marizen Ramirez, MPH, PhD
Associate Dean for Research Leon S. Robertson Professor in Injury Prevention Director, Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety, University of Minnesota School of Public Health
Mark Osborn, PhD
Mark Osborn, PhD
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Melissa Thorson, MS, APRN, CCNS
Melissa Thorson, MS, APRN, CCNS
Director, Trauma, Acute Care/General Surgery and Specialty Provider Programs
Mike Doering, MBA
Michael Doering, MBA
System Director, Trauma Services, M Health Fairview
Michaela West, MD PhD
Michaela West, MD PhD
Trauma Research Chair, North Memorial
Mithun Suresh, MD
Mithun Suresh, MD
Hospitalist, CentraCare-St. Cloud Hospital
Nichole Morris, PhD
Nichole Morris, PhD
Research Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Director, HumanFIRST Laboratory; Gender disparities in military medic care
Nick Davis, MD
Nick Davis, MD
Trauma Surgeon, North Memorial Hospital
Nick Simpson, MD
Chief Medical Director, Hennepin EMS; Dual trained in EM and EMS. ED Faculty at HCMC. Assoc. Medical Director for Hennepin ECMO Program
Patricia Jewett, Ph.D.
Patricia Jewett
Assistant Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health
Richard Bianco, Professor
Richard Bianco, Professor
Director of Experimental Surgical Services
Sarah Knack, MD
Sarah Knack, MD
Research fellow at HCMC; sedation, outcomes, and PTSD in critically ill patients at HCMC
 Sarah Swisher, PhD
Sarah Swisher, PhD
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UMN
Sayeh Nickpay, PhD
Sayeh Nickpay, PhD
Associate Professor, School of Public Health
 Tanisha Fazal, PhD
Tanisha Fazal, PhD
Professor of Political Science
Timothy Kowalewski, PhD
Timothy Kowalewski, PhD
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering; Working in Surgical Simulation
Uroghupatei Iyegha, MD
Uroghupatei Iyegha, MD
Director of Trauma Services and Adult Trauma Medical Director - Regions Hospital
 Yaqoub Yusuf, MS
Yaqoub Yusuf, MS
Researcher, Translational Center for Resuscitative Trauma Care
Zachary Bergman, MD
Zachary Bergman, MD
General Surgery resident